Masked faces everywhere,
Will I catch ‘the cøvid’? Best beware?
I mean the mask is a thin piece of cloth,
And it says on the box that’s it’s not to be used,
To stop the spread of infection or a cough.
But forget all that, just follow the rules,
That’s definitely one thing I learnt at school.
Follow the rules, follow the rules,
That’s definitely one thing I learnt at school.
As the bell rang, and I got up from my chair,
I heard the teacher say beware!
Beware of your heart, beware of your dreams,
Beware of your thoughts, feelings, and the visions you’ve seen.
Beware of life, beware of death,
Beware of it all, and fear the rest.
Then I learnt on a Sunday, that punishment came to little boys who feel their pain.
Shut it all up, keep it all in,
Don’t speak of that, those feelings are sin.
When I fall into fear the world mirrors it back, when I rise into love light shines through the cracks.
It’s normal, it just has to be this way “for a while”,
While we cover our faces, to cover our smiles.
It just has to be this way “for a while”.
Act like you’ve got it, act like a slave, act like you’re contagious, act your life out in a cage.
Our bodies respond to our thoughts,
Our beliefs play out in our cells,
If you act like you’re sick, then you will be,
The control structure knows this well.
If the fear is implanted hard and early,
Clear thought goes out of view,
Population played again, and again,
Under the sun is there anything new?
Better keep your distance,
It’s the social thing to do,
A social distance?
A distance from you.
Keep your distance from yourself,
Keep your distance from me,
Keep your distance from your friends, and your family.
Now repeat after me,
I am free.
Now repeat after me,
Keep your distance from me.
Now repeat after me,
I am free.
Now repeat after me,
Keep your distance from me.
This “new normal”, isn’t normal, not normal at all,
But the propagandists cast their word spellings on us all.
New normal,
Social distance,
Anti-trauma based mind control
Just wear your mask.
Conspiracy theorist,
Far-left, far-right, far-gone.
A danger to society,
A danger to your gran.
Words with no real meaning created to marginalise thought,
To stop people actually thinking, a linguistic abstraction taught.
The word becomes the person,
The person stripped of self,
Just a label to project on,
Never seeing the reflection of self.
Do we trust these political ‘leaders’ who kill while they smile?
Do we trust these corporations who poison, pollute, and defile?
Do we trust these media manipulators who spread fear, lies, and deceit?
Do we trust these white-coat ‘experts’ on the pay-role of ‘the elite’?
Two weeks to flatten the curve?
Two years to assimilate the herd!
When I fall into fear the world mirrors it back, when I rise into love light shines through the cracks.
So I see these masks everywhere, a mirror I see,
What is the mask that I still wear?
Masked emotion? Masked fear? Masked vulnerability? Even masked cheer?
Best break free from the last of these traps,
Step into full power, It’s time to rise up;
For the inner king to take his throne,
With the heart warrior to cut through the dark brooding storm,
The magicians magic potions to cast out the demons form,
With the lover to heal, and open hearts to be borne.
With the four in harmony the divine masculine will rise,
And meet the divine feminine her arms open wide,
The two become one connected to source,
Third energy created indestructible force.
Open your eye, purify the body, the spirit, the mind,
That’s the work that we all must do,
If we want to see the hell turn anew.
A new earth, a new dawn, a new rising sun – to integrate the shadow we must face it and move through.
When I fall into fear the world mirrors it back, when I rise into love light shines through the cracks.
There’s this darkness to heal, how can I do it with love?
Without losing my self in the poisonous sludge?
Can I channel the warrior within? Stand with my sword and burning heart?
Reveal the corruption with out adding to the divide, and adding to the dark?
I’ve cleaned myself, my home, and my heart.
As well as I can, for now, that’s a start.
But the work still goes on, and on it goes,
As the collective keeps on buying the deceptions and deceit,
Falling deeper, deeper down,
Servants at the feet,
Of the archontic forces,
Who cast their curses on the crowns of the people of the middle world earth.
Corona crowns all shut down,
Corona crowns all shut down,
Energy systems collapsed,
Lay asleep, dormant, under base, underground.
Collapsed energy systems all fall apart,
Collapsed energy systems all fall apart,
Bent and broken a shrivelled caged heart.
When I fall into fear the world mirrors it back, when I rise into love light shines through the cracks.
They’ve got a v₳₡$€€₦ you see to “heal the world”,
By injecting known poisons and toxins into our bodies.
That should do the trick, I’ll feel better tomorrow.
It manipulates DNA, don’t give that a second thought,
It’s not like if you know your history,
The one you were never taught,
That these manipulations have happened before,
Well, well in the past,
When from ‘heaven’ the ‘gods’ came,
In their flying machines,
Creating kingdoms to rain.
Manipulating humankind,
Taking ‘the daughters of men’,
Creating new species,
The LORDS playing God once again.
Well the great year has turned, and it’s spring time now,
They don’t want their human livestock awakening some how, to their inner God self and source.
If they eat from the tree of knowledge then they will become godS like US.
If they eat from the tree of life they will be connected to the waters eternal.
The beast ever hungry, as it ramps the fear up,
Desperate to feed on the loosh,
It has for thousand of years partook.
But the food is drying up,
More people are un-plugging,
More people are seeing something that they could not see before,
More people are awakening,
More heed the lions roar.
Scurrying to try and stem the tide,
Even in their madness they spray the skies,
To block out the sun,
Good look with that darkness – your end times has come.
The tide that is coming,
It cannot be stopped,
The energy flowing in – to the planet once lost,
Is coming back,
A true vibrational shift.
Waking from their slumber,
All those who have strayed,
In a mist of the material Kali Yuga dark age.
What looks like a disaster, is just a final push to keep control,
If there’s a great re-set coming, lets re-dawn it in a way that serves the all,
That serves people, planet, and nature,
That creates New Eden from this fall.
When I’m fully in my heart the deeper truth it does flow in,
We’ve got to show the darkness love,
That’s when the real healing will begin.
Because these dark forces are caught up in this game,
And they need loving too,
In fact they need the love more than any of us do.
Cut off from theirselves,
Barely connected to source,
Forced to syphon from others,
Vampiric energy draining life force.
When I fall into fear the world mirrors it back, when I rise into love light shines through the cracks.
Am I speaking mythically? Maybe?
But my soul knows these myths to be truer than they might seem.
And when we tap into that realm beyond time and space,
The vision comes through clear, and clean.
And it’s all about the level we perceive from,
Because on one level we’re all the same,
The one awareness experiencing itself, through itself, mirroring itself, on this plane.
We’re the shifting perspectives of soul evolving optiks, the splitting of light into a dream.
Still as we descend down into the dimensions,
The separation plays out all the same,
So best start paying attention to this world we’re living in,
Because we chose to play this part, in this scene.
If you picked your role are you living it?
Are you standing for what you believe to be right?
Are you living in integrity?
Generating harmony?
Are you living in the presence of your light?
It’s time to connect with your cosmic light tribe,
Generating true soul family gang vibes,
It’s time to connect.
Conscious awakening, energy turning on,
Ascension of spirit, in tune with the One.
Then bring that source love down, spread out into the world,
Transmute people, and planet,
The Gaian calling has been heard.
Connect with K-holy spirit, earth mother, farther sun,
The elements, the ancestors, the to-be-born young.
We’ve got guides of light, and powerful beings,
Waiting and supporting, helping us clean,
We’ve got the love, the inner-standing, the tech – if we use it well,
The visionary views most vital,
As we chant-in this white magic spell.
Awakening mystic mindset,
Meditating on the path to peace.
Bursting our hearts wide open,
Breathing our bellies deep.
Sipping on these ancient brews;
The plant teachers are with us too,
Powerful medicine within,
Gifts from natures abundance,
Her love pure and true.
Tune into the synchronicity,
Tune into your heart,
Tune into the love that comes from the start,
Beyond time, and form,
Beyond shadow, and shame,
Beyond the current material prison planet plane.
Love is beyond all doubt.
Love is beyond all doubt.
When I fall into fear the world mirrors it back, when I rise into love light shines through the cracks.
Build the new earth, build the new world, re-build the inner temple and heal.
Epilogue from outside the time loop:
Love is what it’s about, no judgment from me,
I’m just here to cast my light on the world as I see.
Love is what it’s about, pure acceptance from me,
I express to alchemise through simple rhyme, and poetry.
Love is what’s it’s about no anger from me,
I oppose what I perceive as wrong-action compassionately.
Love is what it’s about, no condemnation from me,
Respecting all the roles, on this collective journey that we be.
Love is what it’s about, self-ownership from me,
I work on what’s inside, to see the outer healed and free.
Love it’s what it’s about, no demanding from me,
I demand only of myself to keep on climbing this ancient tree.
Love it’s what’s it’s about, heart truly open up to thee,
Brethren, sistren, come together, ascend soul-spirit collectively.