My name is James Dearden Bush, I am an intuitive hands on healer, shamanic breathwork facilitator, and musician from Halifax, West Yorkshire, in Great Britain.
In November of 2010, my life took a radical turn when my kundalini awoke. I have spent the following 12 years going through immense personal healing on all levels; physical, spiritual and emotional. As well as my other healing work, I also offer spiritual guidance for fellow kundalini initiates going through their own awakening process.
I grew up in my home town of Halifax and had a pleasant enough childhood, although for the most part I detested the ‘education’ system I found my self funnelled through. I never really felt at home here in the matrix. The narrative handed down from the cultural control grid just didn’t sit right with me; go to school, go to university, get a job you’d probably hate, save for retirement, then die – lights out the end. It didn’t make sense, I knew there was more, a deeper reason for our lives here, which is likely part of the reason why from my early teens I was fanatically focused on becoming a successful musician. Music was one of the only things at that time which felt to truly nourish my soul.
Also, like many people as I entered adulthood, I developed a strong feeling that the deeply troubled state we find our world in; the endless wars, the poverty, the environmental destruction; it was not right, something had gone seriously awry here, it didn’t have to be this way. I felt it in my bones. I now realise I also knew and felt this on an unconscious level from very early in childhood.

In mid 2008, after a move across the country with the band I was in at the time, my life began to undergo a deep transformation. Profound synchronicity after profound synchronicity started to enter my life, I was beginning to wake up from the dream most of society lives in. I was already aware of the political corruption, and many aspects of the occult control structures which engulf our planet. But it was at this point that the universe was guiding me into new territory, revelation after revelation was occurring as information about our true spiritual nature, the nature of reality, the cyclical nature of time, and the truth about our species’ hidden history flooded into my life.
A book I received as a gift for my twenty-fifth birthday, followed by a certain set of synchronicities guided me to experiment with psychedelic plant medicines in a spiritual context. I did this over a two year period, which culminated in an extremely profound initiatory experience in may of 2010. After ingesting a large dose of psilocybin mushrooms, I was flung into a reality completely alien to our western mindset, and put into contact with a spiritual world, inhabited by powerful and deeply loving intelligences.

During my mushroom journey, I underwent a profound initiatory and transformative process which up to that point I wouldn’t have even believed was possible. The experience taught and showed me many things, but one of the primary personal lessons was a real emphasis on how much I was living solely in my mind almost completely detached from my body, and in turn how out of balance my physical health was.
This psychedelic initiation led to a continuing acceleration in my spiritual growth, and a newfound interest in shamanism, and personal and planetary healing. The medicines revivifying my deep connection to mother earth.
Over the next several months, the level of synchronicity in my life accelerated to even more staggering levels, and on the 31st of October 2010 while in deep meditation, and focusing on the complete healing of my body, something magical happened. The Kundalini energy awoke within me. At the time I had particularly bad posture, and was in constant low level pain, due to lots of damaged muscle tissue, especially around my left lung, neck, and spine. This was caused by a chronic cough I had for over two years in my late teens following on from a chest infection which had hospitalised me. On that night in late October though, I had a profound revelation: If our body is in a constant state of regeneration and after seven years we are basically made up of entirely new cells, then why is it that injuries from many years ago still persist in the body? Why do I still suffer with continuous back pain and the misalignment of my spine from an injury which occurred several years ago, when all the ‘injured’ components have likely been entirely replaced from the cellular level up? Some many times over? The answer came to me in an instant. It’s the memory, and emotional pain I’m still holding onto! This thought set me free, I knew I could heal my body.
I laid down and, visualised and felt exactly how it would feel to be completely free from the pain, my body realigned in a state of complete homeostasis. Feeling as if the full spectrum healing of body, mind, and spirit had already occurred, a strange sensation came over me. It felt like the energetic blueprint of how my body should be was illuminating in my minds eye, shimmering around me and through my every cell, filling my body with a primal warmth. That same night, after falling asleep, I awoke to a strange sensation in my left leg, and a powerful energy was moving through my body. The energy continued to gain in intensity twisting and spiralling within my body. One week later, the energy flow climaxed twisting up through my body, moving it in wild and strange ways. The energy burst into my head fully opening my crown chakra and connecting me back to source.
After the amazing events of the awakening, the energy lay dormant in my body for one week before bursting back out of my base chakra one evening during meditation. The power of this energy continued to increase in intensity over the coming months. It felt as if my entire body was a liquid ocean with tumultuous currents twisting and spiralling through it, extreme sensations of vibrant electricity tingled through my cells, and my body continued to be moved in the most strange yet precise ways, these spontaneous movements are known as kriyas and have been a pronounced part of my entire kundalini awakening journey.
The energy was cleaning and healing my body, but as it did this all kinds of emotional traumas stored in my physical body started to come to the surface and be revealed to me. The physical and emotional process I was enveloped in started to take its toll on me, and the fatigue of processing all this energy, emotion, and excruciating physical pain became unbearable. I ended up being bed bound for well over two years in constant agony as the kundalini energy raged through out my being.
The symptoms were many and varied including; muscle cramps, spasms, twitching and feelings of my muscle tissue being stretched and pulled apart from the inside; immense energy rushes and electricity circulating through out the body; vibrating, prickling, tingling, burning and crawling sensations throughout the body and especially over the skin; intense sensations of heat and occasionally cold; extreme headaches and pressures within and around the skull; heart palpitations; pains everywhere where the energy was trying to flow within the body but met blockages; pressure on the chest; sensations of whirlpools or drilling moving in and through the body; feelings as if razor blades were cutting into the flesh around my spine; spontaneous emotional upheavals such as feelings of deep grief, anxiety, or fear; spontaneous vocalisations such as, laughing, crying, and speaking in tongues; hearing continuous sounds like a waterfall, or bees buzzing in the ears.

Throughout the painful and bewildering array of symptoms, the process was also punctuated with frequent altered states of consciousness including: heightened awareness; spontaneous trance states and mystical experiences; psychic abilities; extreme sensitivity to other peoples energy, and the energy around me; transcendent awareness; seeing into other levels of reality; past life memories; spontaneous out-of-body experiences; and contact with spirits and disincarnate entities. There were also periods of pure ecstatic blissful orgasmic energy sensations flooding throughout my whole body, tingling with joy and pleasure. In these times I was completely connected to everything, as the boundaries between self and other broke down. Feelings of deep love, joy, and compassion for all life and existence were common place.
Much healing came through dreams, and these spontaneous visionary states. I experienced countless thousands of lucid dreams. Past traumas were remembered, re-lived, and re-integrated. The whole process was guiding me into an incredibly intensified understanding, sensitivity, and pure knowing of my own essence, and gnosis of many spiritual truths through direct experience and feeling.
As the energy began to become more balanced, and my body became more adapted to the powerful force moving through it, the pain and fatigue gradually began to lessen. The different symptoms continued but to a less degree of intensity. I started to venture out on short walks again, slowly building my strength over a couple of years. I developed a daily yoga practice moving with the energy and kriyas which helped me greatly. As my strength continued to increase, I began to be able to exercise more, taking up swimming and cycling. I spent a great deal of my time during this period studying numerous healing practices and methods, herbalism, and experimented with various diets. Meditation, specifically meditiaion in action, as sitting still and cross-legged was impossible during most of the awakeing jounrey, and a present moment practice became an integral part of my life and were extremely helpful throughout my dark night of the soul period.
After ten years of continuous deep self healing, inner psychic analysis, and contemplation, (and while I am still going through and living in this kundalini process everyday) it is at this point that I am feeling ready to begin to ‘enter back into the world’ so to speak. Music, the primary focus of my life prior to my kundalini awakening, had almost died in me. The flame only dimly kept alight by the peace and tranquillity I found in the sonic soundscapes of ambient music, while bed bound, during the tortuous early years of my awakening process. It was those tranquil gentle and beautiful ambient sounds that often helped me melt away into a feeling of inner peacefulness, even while I was in such a state of extreme pain and inner turmoil. The thought of actually creating music myself however had all but left me, such thoughts weren’t even feasible considerations at that time in my life, only the brutal reality of the moment could hold my attention. But I half heartedly promised myself in passing thoughts, that if I get through this then the music I will create is music of beauty, music with the intent to help heal the deep wounds which humanity holds.
In the many years which passed while I slowly regained my physical health, music stayed well and truly in the background. It wasn’t until seven years from the onset of my awakening that I finally picked up the guitar again, and as my fingers began to find their old strength, creativity began to flow. It was a new chapter in my artistic journey.
So much of what we call music in today’s world, like much else in our culture, is in a fallen state, and for those of us sensitive enough to notice, it can actually have a detrimental effect on the physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies of the listener.
I wanted to delve as deeply as possible into the healing potential of music so spent many hours studying sound healing therapy, music theory, and researching the mystical and spiritual history of the use of music, including the postulated use of sound by the advanced pre-diluvian societies of antiquity. After research and personal experimentation with feeling tones in the body I decided to create all my music tuned to the healing frequency of 432Hz. My intent now is to make music which is a counter to much of the corporatised, pre-packaged, and spiritually debased music in the world today, and in my own small way contribute to revivify the healing and spiritual transformative power of the art form. As the psychedelic philosopher Terence McKenna once said: “The artist’s task is to save the soul of mankind; and anything less is a dithering while Rome burns…if the artist cannot find the way, then the way cannot be found.” And that is the extremely lofty mission statement I set my intention on and aspire towards.
From my own initiation by spirit and healing journey, I felt a powerful calling to help facilitate healing in others, and a calling to work with this powerful spiritual energy which has been unleashed in me. Through out my whole kundalini journey, and healing path, even as far back as the aforementioned mushroom experience I knew one day I would be called to help others, the shamanic impulse had been ignited right at the start, and I am currently taking part in shamanic practitoner training. Hands on healing was one of my obvious points of call for working with this powerful energy, and connecting directly to source energy is my primary method for helping facilitate healing in others. Shamanic, or Holotropic, conscious connected breathwork, a simple but extremly powerful breathing practice I undertook in the later stages of my journey, also had a profound impact on me, and helped release some very deep layers of trauma still stuck in the physical body, and energy field. This practice had such a big impact on me I immediately knew I had to incorporate it into my healing practices, and it was my calling to facilitate shamanic breathwork journeys for others. This combined with hands-on-healing it is a huge passion and love of mine, and along with my music, and the use of sound for healing, is one of the gifts I offer to the world.
I am an intuitive hands on healer, and have a second degree advanced practitioner qualification in Reiki. I am a certified psychic surgen, a certified sound healer, with a Complementary Medical Association diploma in sound therapy, I am qualified at grade 5 in music theory, and I am studying to become a shamanic practitioner. I have a deep passion for holistic healing, and through personal study, both literary and experientially, have gained a wide array of knowledge on the subject. I have taken part in courses and workshops on holotropic breathwork, shamanism & shamanic healing, herbalism, working with the elements, cleansing work, and spiritual discernment. This along with my deep personal experience has given me a solid foundation for my healing practises.
My debut instrumental ambient guitar album Emanation was released on 11 November 2020, and has been created with deep love and caring, with healing intent imbued into every note. In a sense, the album is a sonic expression of my experiences over the last twelve years and aims to reflect the full spectrum of that awaking, and healing journey. I released an ambient drone album Ambient Drones I: Thoughts Of Eden which is the first in a series of more minimal ambient works, and I am in the procces of writting a follow up album to Emanation called Reverence.
I also play pure quartz crystal singing bowls, and occasionally share sound baths for healing, meditation, and relaxation on YouTube. I facilitate group Shamanic Breathwork sessions, and hold regular ceremonies at SOUL Wellness Hub in Sowerby Bridge. As well as offering a variety of personal one on one healing sessions from my private therapy room.
In 2023 I co-founded SOUL wellness C.I.C. a non-profit community interest company operating as SOUL Wellness Hub & Café with my partner Rae Frost. This is our beautiful healing and wellness centre in West Yorkshire. Housed in a former Methodist Church, the healing centre spans three floors and has two yoga studios, a vegetarian cafe, wholistic retail spaces, eighteen therapy rooms, a float tank and infra red sauna and a co-working space.
I am in the process of writing a book chronicling my kundalini awakening, and the years leading up to it. I have a deep desire to be a guide and help for others on their own kundalini awakening journey, sharing the knowledge and wisdom I have learnt along the way. I share vlogs and information relating to my spiritual, and healing journey on my YouTube and Odysee channels, and I offer spiritual guidance sessions (online or inperson) for those going through a kundalini, or spiritual awakening. If you are going through a kundalini awakening, or spiritual emergency, and feel drawn to work with me, I would love to hear from you, and I will do my upmost to be a friendly, helping hand, and guiding light through the dark nights of the soul we often find ourselves in during this most intense journey of soul rediscovery. For more information please click here.
That’s my story.
Make your self at home, and enjoy exploring my website.
Much love, peace, and blessings.
James x